Women walk slowly, dancing through a maze of endless direction. Dark eyes gaze across the skyline, watching birds going back home. It's time and not yet time for some to go. I ask for additional light to screen the frame for a soft mellowed effect and we begin shooting again.
Some people have asked me if this will work, if this story will make any difference to the way these women live. If this story will bring them change, relief. Perhaps not. The documenatry will be screened at some places, they will discuss the subtle aspects of craft and direction and pass witty remarks over clinking glasses of vodka or rum while some others will plot schemes to negotiate grants and aids into their well meaning NGOs so dedicated to the task of upliftment in this community.
Dusk has settled like a fine wrap on the edges of the hills, dark and soft and beautiful. In the distance one can hear the soft sounds of the cattle beign led back home. Its time. I want to go back. But where is home?